Re-blog: The Problem of Special Needs Siblings

A guest post by Jennifer Janes

Many of you who follow my blog did so as a result of posts on autism. I want you to  know that my support and advocacy for those affected by autism has not diminished. One of the blogs I follow is authored by Jennifer Janes. Jennifer is the parent of a child with autism. Jennifer and I met at The Gathering of Authors in Texarkana, Texas during the first weekend of November. I’ve since learned she is a prolific blogger who recently posted this article on addressing problems between special needs siblings.

Welcome Jennifer!

Jennifer Janes

The following content is from Jennifer Janes’ blog.

My older daughter is a great kid. After she turned three years old and finally began sleeping, she’s been a pretty easy kid to raise, overall. She is loving, kind, understanding, funny, and smart. So what’s the problem?

The problem is that she’s the sibling of a child with special needs. It took me a while to realize it, but that means she has special needs of her own. As I talk to other special needs parents, I’m beginning to realize this is not unusual.

To read the rest of this post, click here The Problem of Special Needs Siblings



Filed under Autism

2 responses to “Re-blog: The Problem of Special Needs Siblings

  1. I’m clearly going to have to spend time reading your early posts on Autism. My step-grandson has Asperger’s. Hope you are thriving – have a lovely Thanksgiving.

    • Please do, Sarah. They are guest blogs except for a poem I wrote after reading a book by the mother of an autistic child but If you search ‘autism’ the post should be listed.
      Thank you for your comments!

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